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13.5 % return over the last 3 and a half months

  July 9,2023

We all look for opportunities to make money be it from Job, Business or Markets. The money that we make from Jobs or business is based on our particular skillset which we may have acquired over a long period of time. These skillsets are unique to us as an indivudual or a group of individuals for example a doctor has a special skill set, a lawer has a specific skill set, an it professional has a specific skill set and we as individuals make money because of this unique skill set and we do not earn from the sill set of others for example, a doctor or lawer cannot normally write a software code and earn money nor can a techie perform a knee replacement or fight a case in the court. So the bais skill set earns us our maximum money. And more often than not we cannot learn a complete different skill set to make more money

However a secondary skill set of making money from money, This skill set can be acquired by almost everyone because we all have some basic knowledge of Money and how it works. However learning this skill set will take its own sweet time and energy and effort. 

We at Bright Wealth Ideas try to empower you with tools and information that you can use to improve your money awareness, and help you make more money from money.


Now coming to the subject line, "13.5 % returns in 3 and a half months" 


On 16th March 2023, I had written a blog on my view on the market and how the valuations indicated that we are in a buy zone for the stock markets and mutual funds. We had recommended a buy on that day to our investors in particular and to a lot of other followers and readers across various platorms. For those followers who read the blog and actioed on the same, NIFTY has blessed them with a return of 13.7% since 16th March 2023. while some of the recommended funds would have done better during this period. 


We stil maintainng our stance of making purchases via STP from now till the next few month and to reap the  benefits of such investments over the next couple of years, even thought  the valuations today have moved up a notch but it still is a good time to participate in india growth story.

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